Poor Cow-Cow: When Intergalactic Battles & Romance Collide – Event Recap ~ Tales of the Ravenous Reader


#Gemina | October 26th 2016

The theme of the night was “Everything’s Better in Space!” wherein Jay, Amie, Kiersten, Jessica, and Arwen took the audience down the dark – ahem, amazing – path that is YA scifi and fantasy.

It’s never a dull moment when our favorite Australian YA authors come to visit! Kepler’s had the honor of hosting a huge audience and wide-ranging panel of YA authors in late October. Of course, we were front row, center.


Last year Christy was curious about which of these two wrote the teabagging scenes (they answered her on twitter, which was the first time an author answered her – aw!) and this year we were all about wanting to know who provides the voice for snarky security footage guy. Turns out it’s the only character they BOTH write! No word on who he is, though we will find out in book 3.

Speaking of voices…

.@misterkristoff wants Michael Fassbender to voice AIDAN. — Christy Jane (@diamondxgirl) October 27, 2016

The Bay Area’s version of the book wave!

The panel engaged in a lengthy discussion about how everything is better in space…Except using the restroom. All you need to know is going on a space walk is suddenly less thrilling because you have to wear a diaper…with a condom-like attachment (if you’re a dude, of course). 

On the other side of history, Kiersten White discussed in length her research process for And I Darken. If only we could all have her for history class…High school could have been so much cooler.

Our thoughts exactly.

At each stop, Jay and Amie play a game to select who will die next…in book 3, that is. 

ICYMI Nancy reviewed Gemina in the most appropriate way and Christy posted a gif-filled review right after ARCs entered the world. icon18_email-8992682

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