DESTINED Video Book Trailer and Giveway ~ Tales of the Ravenous Reader

This contest is now CLOSED. Thank you for entering.destined_final_cvr-6485366
“…Zoey is finally home where she belongs, safe with her Guardian Warrior, Stark, by her side, and preparing to face off against Neferet – which would be a whole lot easier if the High Counsel saw the ex-High Priestess for what she really is. Kalona has released his hold on Rephaim, and, through Nyx’s gift of a human form, Rephaim and Stevie Rae are finally able to be together – if he can truly walk the path of the Goddess and stay free of his father’s shadow…”DESTINED VIDEO BOOK TRAILER Website:

CONTEST: This contest that you are entering is for a copy of DESTINED by PC and Kristin CastCONTEST RULES: Just tell me which is your favorite HON character.1) Contest is open to anyone in USA/ Canada only. (sorry)2) Contest is open until November 6, 2011. Midnight PST3) You must post your email address so that I can contact the lucky winner.4) Share the love and spread the word, via blogger, twitter or facebook.


**Prize copy given by Zeighost Media**


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